Im at a payphone

I mina högtalare

Starships were meant to fly, Hands up touch the sky!


Why am i crying?

Så himla bra

You learn

Jag ryser utav hans fina röst

Riktigt bra

Hundra gånger bättre än orginalet och bättre än Pluras version.

Bäst just nu

Hearts in the air ♥

I wanna go

Min nya favorit

Har verkligen fastnat för denna låten !

Call your girlfriend

Call your girlfriend
It's time you had the talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault
But you just met somebody new

Tell her not to get upset, second-guessing everything you said and done
And then when she gets upset tell her how you never mean to hurt no one
Then you tell her that the only way her heart will mend is when she learns to love again
And it won't make sense right now but you're still her friend
And then you let her down easy

Call your girlfriend
It's time you had the talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault
But you just met somebody new

Don't you tell her how I give you something that you never even knew you missed
Don't you even try and explain how it's so different when we kiss
You tell her that the only way her heart will mend is when she learns to love again
And it won't make sense right now but you're still her friend
And then you let her down easy

Call your girlfriend
It's time you had the talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault
But you just met somebody new
And now it's gonna be me and you

And you tell her that the only way her heart will mend is when she learns to love again
And it won't make sense right now but you're still her friend
And then you let her down easy

Call your girlfriend
It's time you had the talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault

Call your girlfriend
It's time you had the talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault
But you just met somebody new

Måste höras

Hörde om den här killen Chris ifrån American Idol, men lyssnade aldrig på låten, men nu så skickade Amanda en länk åt mig på FB så då lyssnade jag på den, och jag kan bara säga att jag grät FLODER! Den får en verkligen att uppskatta sina nära.

Chris och hans tjej skulle gifta sig, men så var hon med om en olycka och fick en stroke, så hon kan inte prata och sitter i rullstol & nu så har han gjort den här låten åt henne.

När man ser han fria, och hur glada dem är.. usch så sorgligt men endå så fint på samma gång.

San Francisco

Vecka 3 - 2011

Måndag: Städnig + att min kära vän Alexandra kommer hit & klipper mig.
Tisdag: Fotografering ;)
Onsdag: Baby rytmik
Torsdag: Baby bad
Fredag: Öppet
Lördag: Öppet
Söndag: Öppet

Dreaming people

Letting go . .

Who's that chick ?



Här kommer en låt som jag gillar ^^,
Hoppas att ni ska gilla den oxå -.-

We are who we are

Denna låt spelas varm här hemma ;)

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